Federal Disaster Assistance

This button will link you to the form needed to apply for disaster assistance. To learn more about the application process click here for the full press release from FEMA. The deadline to apply is November 27th, 2024.

WNC Strong

Resources for small businesses.

Our Communities

These are the communities, which are organized by the voting precincts, inside Rutherford County that we serve and support:

Rutherford County Communities

Our Community Calendar of All Relief Events in the County:

Latest Past Events

Want to Volunteer?

We need your help! To register as a volunteer with RoCo Relief, please visit our Volunteer Page and complete the registration form.

Register an Event…

To register a relief event being offered by your organization please visit our Service Event Registration page for more information and to register your event. This could be ANY type of event that provides direct benefit to residents in our county or raises funds to help our community.

Are You a Community Resource?

We are looking for organizations in our county that service our communities. If this is you or an organization that you are associated with, please tell us about it so that we can work together to help our county. Please visit our Community Organization Registration page for more information.

Do You Have a Specific Need?

If your organization is collecting items to aid disaster relief, please visit our Specific Needs Registration page to let us know about it. We will try to help you fill your specific needs. Note that this page is for organizations and not individuals. Individual needs should be directed to the appropriate aid agencies in your area (visit our Communities page for more info).